Friday, November 16, 2012

They're everywhere!

National Health Blog Post Month Day 16: Use a picture to inspire a post


I had no idea what I was going to write for this prompt until I woke up this morning and checked my email. I don't know about you, but I'm subscribed to just about every "daily deal" listserv out there. Every once in a while--more often than I'd like--I'll get a coupon in my inbox for indoor tanning. Ick!

I also get coupons for free tanning sessions in the mail and on the back of my receipts from the grocery store. I know we see hundreds of advertisements per week for everything ranging from luxury vehicles to diaper cream. Much of the time, the ads we see are for products we'll never even buy, so we're able to tune them out. But when I see an ad for a tanning salon, I can't tune it out.

What's even more disheartening is when I see that "500 users have already purchased this deal." Maybe they bought the spray tan? One can hope, I suppose.

On a lighter note, a huge group is gathering in North Carolina this weekend for an AIM at Melanoma fundraiser. I'm sad I won't be there, but I'm super excited to see pictures and hear stories when everyone gets back. If you're local (a.k.a. PDX), stay tuned for more information on the 2nd Annual Portland Melanoma Walk. I'm organizing it this spring and will be announcing the date/time soon! Shoot me an email if you live in the Portland area and would like to volunteer or get involved.


This post was inspired by the Day 16 prompt for National Health Blog Post Month.
View posts by other participants.


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